Google Workspace Configuration
You must create a new project with Google Workspace for each ebs website that you want to enable authentication for.
To create a new project with Google Workspace:
Log in to the Google API Console portal (
Select New Project from the main Project menu drop-down.
The New Project screen is displayed.
Enter an appropriate name in the Project Name field that uniquely identifies the project (for example: ontrack Hub).
Click the Create button to create the new project.
Once the project has been created, it will be selected in the menu drop-down.
Select OAuth consent from the Project menu.
Use the OAuth consent screen to set the following:
The Application type to Internal - this will restrict this application to users with a Google account in your organisation
An appropriate Application Name (for example: ontrack Hub) - this display name will be shown when an end user is shown a Consent screen the first time they access the website
The Application logo, if appropriate
The Support email address, if appropriate
Set an Authorized domain (for example:
The Application Homepage link should be the website URL (For example:
An Application Privacy Policy link, if appropriate
The Terms of Service link, if appropriate
Click the Save button.
Select Credentials from the main Project menu drop-down.
The Credentials screen is displayed.
Click the Create Credentials button.
Select OAuth client ID.
On the Application Type field, select one of the following:
Web application for ontrack.
Desktop app for client authentication.
Enter an appropriate client name (For example: OntrackHubOAuthClient).
Add an Authorized redirect URL, which should be set to the website URL (for example:
Click the Create button.
A message is displayed confirming the successful client creation and providing the following information, required in later configuration stages:
The ClientId
The Client Secret
Claim properties might require alteration if the necessary information is not included. Refer to Google documentation for further information about claims supported by Google Workspace.